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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    does anyone know or have they asked the dr about the fact that maybe if we are hypo our adrenals are too??? it there a def connection??
    can they tell from our reflex response if we have it?

    all i know is the mornings are worse once again…..i know fall is aproaching but i shouldn t want to hibernate all morning yet……seems
    when i am a lttle low i cant function mentally or phys in the a.m. but at about noon i start to wake up and am ok til about dinner then….if i push myself…i can make it but end up staying up til at least one a,m..

    it amazes me how the loss of a couple of hours of sleep makes we graves patients feel like the wrath of death….at least now i can tell myself i am just tired but before this i worried about it…….does that seem wierd or what????

    have a good one…….

    Post count: 93172

    em writes on 09/13/97 at 10:47:32:
    >does anyone know or have they asked the dr about the fact that
    >maybe if we are hypo our adrenals are too???

    Hi Em. I had finished my thyroid treatment and was “normal” again but
    still not feeling better. I took a full adrenal test to see if that
    was the cause. It came out negative.

    >all i know is the mornings are worse once again
    I too generally felt better in the evenings than the mornings. It took
    me quite a while to wake up, naps included.

    >it amazes me how the loss of a couple of hours of sleep makes we
    >graves patients feel like the wrath of death
    Yes, for me too.

    Are you taking synthroid (T4) or cytomel (T3)? I am now taking the more
    active thyroid hormone and have noticed improved memory and overall

    – FB

    Post count: 93172

    Taking synthyroid and now is a bad time to ask…a little low i am…feeling all of the above and more mind fog setting in….

    i was supposed to go for the am cortisol level and am too pooped in the morn to go,,,,got my tsh today so we will see,,,,

    a friend of mine got her urine done at the Barnes Foundation…they were telling her that it isnt abnormal to have good adrenal on blood work….only if you are really bad off does it show…well …her urine came back poss. and they are giving her cortes sp? at a low dose….they also told her she has a yeast overgrowth in her intestines and some sort of infection goin on there too…also they found she has an absorbtion problem and is malnurished and think that is why seems to have normal levels of thyroid but still feels severely hypo…..they think if they correct the adrenal that it will help ….also they tested her antibodiesss and they came back in the nine hundred range…pretty high…..poor thing is dizzy to the point she feels weak, faint, nervous, and sick……looks extremely puffy and pale—-i even think she has got a pernicious anemia thing goin on too……geeeezzz… thing i can say is she has walked the walk and talked the talk and never gave up on herself when drs and people ridiculed her….have to give her credit there… one point i had to give it up and just live …but she was persistant and i hope to God it now pays off for her…..

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