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    Post count: 93172

    Hi Warriors with GD…I’m covering the BB this evening for Nancy and trying to be @ chat also…In the middle of all this, my computer keeps crashing and kicking me out, so I’m going to try to whip out this message to some of you and ask that any of you e-mail me with questions or concerns that may be more acute for you right now…

    Micky…your TSH is low which means your symptoms will be consistent with hyperthroid…heat intolerance, insomnia, increased heart rate, weight loss, etc…My endo told me to shoot for a normal TSH between 1-2 however the norms range between 0.35 to 5.5…note also variability in labs.

    Diane and Shirley and all you insomniacs…Boy do I ever sympathize. I couldn’t sleep for years! I recommend talking to your MD about a RX for a tranquilizer to use in conjunction with your propanolol or ATD’s but beware of addiction issues. I also suggest antidepressant discussion with your MD during this rocky phase…(although I haven’t stopped the drugs yet, myself…I say, “If it works, don’t fix it!” I sleep now with trazodone. I thought I’d go cracy for lack of sleep…It finally does get better…

    Angie…RAI on 1-26…still tachy and now retaining fluid…For some reason, you worry me. How old are you? How’s the heart? What are your labs now? How high is that T4 & T3? I’m sure you don’t have a detectable TSH yet, by the sounds of things. Let’s talk more by e-mail. By now, you should be going towards the post RAI hypo “crash”, is what I called it.

    I think you are giving each other good and appropriate feed-back and support. With Nancy’s message tonight and the Asst. on-line facillitators’ efforts, and, most importantly YOU ALL keep making this BB a most valuable tool for working thru the acute phases and recovery issues we all face with GD. As the site grows, it’s more and more impt. to protect the integrity of this source of strength, inspiration and truth so it can go on and perpetuate itself. We all carry the burden of this responsibility…not just Nancy, Jake, Jan or the OLAF’s. AS one who became involved with this group in ’96 when it began, I can’t tell you how much info was imparted on the BB in those times. Please read those posts before reasking alot of the same questions. The wisdom has grown in time but, unfortunately the burn-out has grown proportionately, and we just don’t have the manpower to respond to every post. If you are really having difficulties, definitely vent on the BB, but also e-mail on of us to help you more personally. Boy, I sure needed it at one time!

    I wish all of you well with the decisions you’re facing with treatment options. As for the questions on PTU and ATD’s vs. RAI…it really comes down to personal choice after informed consent. I opted for RAI and don’t regrett it. I can’t speak to the use of meds alone except I heard about the recurrances and remissions and decided I didn’t want to go that route.

    Maia…You just had RAI yourself, so I hope you are doing alright. Please feel free to e-mail me with issues or concerns. It sounds like you’ve had some difficult times, too.

    AS for the bladder issues and the auto-immune effects on other systems…? I don’t know…But I do know the variability on the symptomology of GD is VAST. Don’t be affraid to ASK your DR. and expect some answers…And for Shirley, a regular MD/GP/interist can manage GD adequately if you’re not complicated or unstable…If complicated, I recommend an endo…and definitely and opthamologist, as well. Which reminds me, I better get into my eye guy.

    Sorry, but this computer is really messing up tonight. Till next time.

    Hang in there…Warm Regards, Rachel (OLAF)

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