Once again, I’ve been given proof that I’ve lost my mind. I spent the better part of this morning tinkering with the mIRC download stuff so that I could go to “tonight’s” chat. I guess I missed it, huh?
Beckie: my mom has Graves — had RAI over twenty years ago — and has complete control of her mental faculties (which I have to admit even though I often disagree with her). There are lots of diseases out there that can have similar symptoms, which is one reason doctors don’t necessarily pick up on things immediately.
Bruce: If “brain” problems are not “in our head”, where are they???? : )
I just got my bloodwork done, and I’m not terribly pleased. As I suspected, I am hyper again — but just barely. My TSH was .3 with .4 being the low end of normal. My endo would prefer for me to stay on this dose until after another set of bloodwork at the end of APRIL! Hanging up the phone, I didn’t know whether to swear, call back and nag, or leave for the bakery and buy every last item I’ve drooled over, but righteously ignored, in the past few months (I’m losing weight again). All this just goes to prove to me that we do not all respond the same to a specific level of thyroid hormone. I felt TERRIFIC hypo, and I feel rotten now. Yet, I’ve seen posts from other people who would pay large bribes to get their endos to put them at precisely the hormone level I’m now at. Since my endo has done very well by me up to this point, I suppose the best thing to do is dig out the beta blockers for the next month — assuming that these symptoms last that long. What an awful thought.