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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    Yes, it certainly does suck when your teeth start to go. You should pay heed to Ruby’s advice though. For one thing, dentures aren’t cheap either. Aside from that, Ruby’s right in that you should do whatever you can to keep your teeth.

    A year ago I had some extensive work done on my lower teeth, and had all my wisdom teeth extracted. (I had slight GD symptoms then, but wasn’t diagnosed yet.) That dentist wanted to pull all of my upper teeth too, but my insurance pays $1,000. per yr., and I said I’d wait until this yr. to do any more work. Well, I thought I was happy with my dentist, but their accounting system was terrible. I wound up going over the limit, and paid in installments. I keep good records, and in the end, I wound up paying over $9 too much. I got statements every mo. like clockwork until then. When they owed me money, there was nothing in the mail. There is more about the money situation, but that’s not the issue here. I dropped that dentist for that reason, and I’m glad I did. A friend referred me to another dentist. I told him that the previous dentist wanted to extract all my upper teeth, and he just shook his head. As Ruby said, there is so much they can do these days to save your teeth, bridges and implants. You probably have the same problem I do, as we both have GD. More and more is being said about the relation to an autoimmune disease and gum infections, which cause your teeth to loosen. My doctor is going to do a root canal on my very loose one. Then he’s going to give me injections of some kind of antibiotic in my gums to ward off the infection. I’m doing whatever I can to save them.

    Of course, it’s your decision. We’re not trying to be bossy. We’re just concerned.

    Good luck.


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