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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Susan-big Soo, I can certainly relate. I just made my second trip to a dentist today. I have a tooth that feels like it’s just about to fall right out. This dentist is so thorough and I’m such a chicken with dentists anyway that I got the x-rays from my previous dentist from a yr. ago. That wasn’t good enough. He said things could have changed a lot since then. He didn’t know much about how GD affects teeth, but he assumed with an autoimmune disease, if could cause infections. Today I went back for the consultation, and sure enough, I have a gum disease.

    You’re right. If they know there can be tooth problems, why don’t they let us know? The longer you let something like this go, the worse it is.

    I’m glad he was able to fix at least one of your teeth. What a shame you lost the other. I hope I don’t lose mine before he can get to it. He’s working fast, but he has to consult with my doctor first. We’ll probably make an appointment tomorrow. They’re going to do a root canal on the bad one, and they’re going to inject some kind of antibiotic in my gums to try to ward this off, and save my teeth. I had a very bad experience with a dentist when I was a child, and it has affected me my entire life. My dentist has a pill that will keep you awake throughout the procedures, but you won’t remember a thing. My husband will have to drive me. Plus I will need the gas. This is if my doctor approves this all.

    I walked out of the dentist’s office in tears. I’m tired of doctors, opthalmologists, radiologists and now a dentist. I know we’re all are tired of all of this. I was in such a fog on the way home that I didn’t even care if I crashed, except that I wouldn’t have wanted to hurt anyone else. (Had Enough, I’m not complaining. We prefer to call it venting. I’m not in the pacifying mood I was in last night. I have mood swings and you should count your blessings that you don’t. I dont have cancer or live in Kosovo, but I am miserable none the less. You obviously don’t have a clue.)

    I apologize to all the rest of you for addressing Had Enough in that manner. I know it wasn’t right, but then I’m not right today. Maybe I’ll apologize to her/him tomorrow. Maybe not. I’ve been messed up mentally since my second RAI. I wish I could “be happy and healing with my good attitude.” Don’t we all?

    Thank you Susan-big Soo for your information on teeth. I’ve been trying to gather info for my dentist, which he requested. You’re the first one to give me evidence of the relation of tooth problems with GD. I printed out your message to give to him. I hope you don’t mind. If you do mind, let me know.

    Better health to your teeth and entire body.


    Post count: 93172

    I did have my teeth pulled. I’m not sorry either. I tried to save them, but found myself spending more “quality time” with my dentist than my family. Not to mention dropping close to $1,000 every couple months into what seemed like a lost cause. I’m lucky to have an excellent dentist, well versed in GD. He was willing to keep trying but honestly offered no guarantees that all the work, time, and money would benefit me in the end. The decision to pull all of them out was ultimately mine, and again, I have no regrets. It’s wonderful not to deal with broken and chipped teeth, and especially the toothaches. And this comes from someone who didn’t have a cavity until she was 35 years old…lol. I’m not an advocate for dentures, I’m just offering another opinion. There are many who are never happy with them. I’m just one of the few lucky ones.

    Post count: 93172

    I can understand about teeth. I had one tooth that died for no reason, one bridge (with 2 abscessed teeth under it) – and they had root canals. I have never had problems with my teeth. I brush/floss 2x a day. Dentures are not an option for me, No way!!! I asked my Endo about the
    teeth problems, and she didn’t know for sure. But she added that if Graves causes persperation, and an imbalance of everything else – that the saliva would be affected also.
    Good Luck

    Post count: 93172

    Unfortunately, we’re learning the hard way with our teeth. I do believe there is a connection. Good luck with your teeth.

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