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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    it sucks when your teeth start to go doesn’t it? so far i have 1 bridge, 2 missing teeth (in the back, thank god, so no one can see them) and 2 more ready to come out. i talked to my dentist and he said graves disease is terrible for teeth and i should think about dentures instead of investing lots of money in bridges that are going to fall out anyway.
    i floss everyday and brush 3 times a day, so it’s not for lack of trying. hope things get better.

    Post count: 93172

    If you don’t mind my telling my dentist about this information, would you give me the name of your doctor, and his address or phone number? My dentist may want to contact him. Feel free to email it to me if you’re not comfortable posting it on the BB.

    Thanks a bunch.


    Post count: 93172


    Please, please, please, don’t consider going into dentures! Do whatever it takes to keep your own teeth! I know it’s so hard when your having so many problems with your teeth, not to mention, so many other problems with your health! But, going into dentures is so final, and through all my years of experience, I have yet to meet anyone who is happy that they went into dentures. There are so many “new” treatments out there for teeth. Even people who have teeth that are already missing, there are ways of replacing them (bridges, implants, etc.) Talk to your dentist, get a second opinion, do your own research, but don’t extract your teeth, if it’s not absolutely necessary. Hold on…there’s got to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ll keep doing any research that I can, here, and I’ll post any new information that I find out!! Good luck!!


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