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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone. Jusyt to add to all the discussion…I went to dentist today and asked him the graves question. For what it’s worth, he said he didn’t think that it would actually affect the teeth themselves, since there is no blood flow to the teeth. However, he did think it would affect the bones and gums. If teeth are breaking off, it could be due to the bone loss. He said it had been awhile since he had dealt with a graves patient, so he would do some research and let me know.
    If he does, I’ll pass it on. Since I had the oral surgery 6 months ago, and now figure I started graves symptoms 2-3 years ago, I think we are on to something here. I also have felt there has been an increase in plaque in my mouth the last year or so, so the “changes in saliva” theory also also makes sense to me.

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