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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I appreciate the fact that ATD’s are not 100% safe, but I don’t think the ingestion of any drug is. Neither are any of the 3 available treatments for Grave’s disease. All have pros and cons, dangers, and risks. If 70% of people don’t achieve remission with ATD’s, then yes, they need to make another choice but not necessarily RAI. It’s not the “end all” in the treatment of this disease. Treatment choices are a very personal thing and we do what we feel is best for ourselves. Personally, if I think I have a 30% chance of remission on an ATD, I’ll give it a chance before I make another treatment choice. If nothing else, it gives my thyroid hormone levels a chance to even out and puts me in a better frame of mind to weigh my other options. Just another opinion…

    Post count: 93172

    Just wanted to add here that the 30% remission rate for ATDS is an American figure – in America they usually don’t let patients stay on them for longer periods. In foreign countries, however, where long term use of ATDs is acceptable, the remission rate is much higher.


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