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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I think this is a really important issue for you Americans. The first time I had Graves’ I went into remission after 9 months on ATDs and was perfectly happy and healthy for nearly ten years.

    I have had Graves’ this time for nearly three years and have just gone into remission again. It seems such a shame that some people are not given the chance to gain remission.

    Post count: 93172

    Glynis brings up a very interesting point. It is hard to have concrete stats in North America when RAI is generally prescribed within a two year period from initial diagnosis. It would be interesting in seeing some stats from other countries where ATD’s are prescribed long term. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if remission rates increase over the passage of time (that is, more than two years).

    Thanks for the food for thought. I’d like to do some checking into that.


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