Please send your contributions to Nancy Patterson in c/o Jake’s haircut
fund and be sure to mark on it who you want to do the “deed!” I know LYNNthe PB would like a whack at it(no pun intended, honest!). DianneW is also chomping at the bit to give Jakester the haircut he so richly deserves. I prefer to not be included, as I must live with this “Warrior Spirit”. Hmmm, maybe Nancy or Pat might like a slice of Jake?
Keep those contribs coming in and please, mark those checks, Stylist, by name.
Nancy’s address is on the webpage, BTW.
Thanks to all who believe in our worthwhile cause and you’ll also be helping out a cancer patient or two(donating hair to cancer center here in our town).
Love to You All,
NGDF,online facilitator