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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Since I’ve had so many comments and e-mails on the comments from Dr. Wall I will add the Thyrobulletin’s PS.

    “This article, reprinted with Dr. Wall’s permission, is from the Allegheny University of the Health Sciences’ University Times, Volume 2, Issue 1. In his letter to the Foundation granting permission to reproduce this article, Dr. Wall wrote, “We have recently had success in our long-term program to characterize the main eye muscle proteins which are targeted in patients with thyroid eye disease and are developing antibody tests incorporating recombinant proteins. The next step will be to prepare specific treatments, such as blocking monoclonal antibodies.”

    Have a nice Tuesday everybody. Keep smiling. SAS

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks so much – this is great news. There was an article about Dr. Wall’s
    research in NGDF newsletter in May. It was Volume VII No 1 Issue 11. Did anyone
    see it?

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