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  • Anonymous
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    Wow! Thank you all for your messages. I think that susan was exactly right that I am experienceing “battle fatigue” in a big way. I really have had to deal with all this alone and it has been good and bad; good when I don’t feel I’m up to dealing with others and bad when I need a hug and support. Also, I have had a really tough time with the changes in my appearance over the last few years. It’s not vanity, just so shocking to see how my face has changed (and so often). It has been very frustrating to try and get support from family and friends. In the beginning, I’d ask for them to be honest with me about certain appearance issues and they would freeze up; just couldn’t say anything comforting except, “I wish there was something I could do/say.” and “It will get better.” etc. I may have had a harder time of that than with some of the physical stuff because I’m a pretty tough bird (New England puritan, sometimes stubborn) but the sense of embarrassment I have felt has been awful. I was amazed to read Carlene’s message though! I could have been reading about me! Everything that you said was dead-on accurate. One of the issues I’ve had lately is exactly what you say you are dealing with…once having been really active, high powered (loving it too) I have been really angry with my seemingly (total) lack of motivation. Sometimes I feel I may avoid “doing too much” because I feel I don’t want to get over-extended physically and other times I guess it’s an internal/emotional response that makes me say “Nah, I just want to stay home.” and I do and I turn off the phone too! Maybe there is in fact some lasting “chemical” alteration to the “self” that occurs after GD calms down. I have considered mild anti-depressants for the first time in 10 years. Carlene, have you tried them at all and did they help? I am so grateful for all of you. I am helping others as much as I can and am “on call” for my eye surgeon to help counsel new GD/GED patients. I’ll be away for a few days but thank you all.

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