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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I want to thank all of you who responded to my question re brain fog. I have to say that I am very thankful for this bulletin board. It certainly helps to be able to ask questions and get answers and realize that others are experiencing or have experienced similar symptoms. It certainly helps me with my day-to-day living with this. But I am positive. Believe it or not my New Year’s Resolution was to “get stabilized” in 1998. I don’t know how, but I am going to believe that I will reach normal again and try to get off the rollercoaster. I was originally diagnosed with hyperthyroid in October 1995, had RAI in January 1996 and been up and down since then. My doctor has at least 60 patients taking replacement hormone and they can’t seem to get enough. Apparently some are on really high doses. But of course, I am the exception. The slightest increase can send me back to the hyper zone. I am the most difficult case he has ever had. He actually likes to treat thyroid because he feels its easy to give replacement hormone and send them on their way but he is not finding it so easy with me.

      Thanks for being there.


        Post count: 93172

        I want to thank everyone who answered in response to my questions concerning eye problems. Your information and advice is so helpful to me. I appreciate your concern. Thanks so much, Kate

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