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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    thanks for the responses and emails, sorry, just had a bad day, I’m really looking forward to the doc appt…. it always makes me feel better to read all your problems, it makes mine seem insignificant… thank guys

    Post count: 93172

    We call it forgetfulness, “brain fog”, any number of different names. You are not being “lazy”: keeping our mind focussed takes a lot of attention when our thyroid hormones are out-of-whack. You may find that you have to double check yourself (like I double check to make sure the keys are in my purse before locking the car, etc. — a left-over habit from the “bad old days”), makes lists, make lists of lists, tack lists to your coffeepot, whatever. Even with these efforts, there will be a time when it is frustratingly difficult to function normally brain-wise. This, too, shall pass. Meanwhile, we’re here to help however we can.

    Take care,
    Bobbi — NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

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