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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Cathryn, triiodothyronine is T3. Yours is WAY above the normal range, which is consistent with hyperthyroidism.

    The thyroid produces some T3 (and maybe LOTS when it’s wacko from Graves’), and if your T4 is sky high, the T3 would be even higher, since T4 is converted to T3 in body tissues.

    In other words, yep–you’re WAY hyper!

    Dianne W

    Post count: 93172

    I have been supposedly in remission. I havent taken “T” for about a month. I have been experiencing symptoms itching unbelivable, frequent
    bowel moments etc. My blood results were TSH normal, t3 99.0 normal,
    t4 3.80 abnormal (normal 4.50-12.0) i have to take more blood work.
    I don’t really understand what this means I have a appt fri with endo.
    I feel lousy!

    Post count: 93172

    Well, I got my test results in today. It seems as though my thyroid levels were normal, but my immunology tests showed that I still have some immunoglobins attacking and stimulating my thyroid. What does this mean? I asked my endo to explain and, while he was very nice, couldn’t tell me in plain english. Any help would be appreciated. He is taking me off the synthroid, but wants to watch me VERY carefully…why is that?

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