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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I wore the plugs for months with great results, but then they fell out.
      The Optho tried a larger size, but these too did not remain in place.
      There was no change in swelling – so who knows why they suddenly
      refused to stay. I had my left eye cauterized. It was amazingly
      painless, and the results are permanent. I am still deciding about
      the right eye. Good luck!

        Post count: 93172

        Has anyone had any problems with temporary plugs staying in there eyes?
        today optho put in plugs. I was getting ready to leave and all of a sudden
        I felt something in my eye. Sure enought the plug popped out.. so he put
        another in and he told me to wait a few minutes… thought it was gonna
        stay in.. got ready to leave and the same thing… he said he has never seen
        anything like this happen before.. so he put one more in.. and it seemed to
        stay for about an hour then it also popped out… will I be able to wear the
        regular plugs if the temp’s dont stay in? I have plugs in both eyes and
        the one with the plug already feels better. I think he said something about
        the pressure in the eye? Could that be the reason it won’t stay in?

        confused… Lori

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