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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone!

    My dentist emailed me tonight with some theories. He’s looked into websites and couldn’t find any reference to this problem. He say’s he will continue to research it..but, he was thinking, and wanted to share his thoughts with us. First he said that with all the other medical problems and apponintments we have to keep, that maybe dental treatment are low priority thus the breakdown of the dentition and subsequent fracture of teeth…I told him, I didn’t think so, as all of you are quite concerned about this on going problem your having with your teeth. Next, he said the autoimmune factor could theoretically cause the bacteria in the mough to be more virulent and cause periodontal disease and increased susceptility to dental caries. There could be a similar relationship as there is in diabetes to a patient’s inablility to fight off infection and thus dental health suffers. Some of his thoughts, not anything he can definitely prove…but, he’ll keep trying! Sorry this was so long…I’ll keep you informed!


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