Hi Cathryn:
I’m glad you have a doctor who deals with Graves Eye Disease (also known as Graves Ophthalmopathy; Graves Orbitopathy; and Thyroid (Graves’) orbitopathy; as welll as Thyroid Eye Disease). I don’t think cold packs will help with the little fat pillows, only with the general swelling, and it doesn’t do a lot for that. Has your eye specialist recommended any steroids to reduce general swelling? You might want to discuss with with your specialist and if there are any other options.
I have seen photos of ‘before’ and after’ surgeries, and the folk look terrific.
Hope you are in good spirits
Hazel. ;o)
p.s. (“inherited’ my foot! Do you think h/she meant the disease…just wondered…
p.p.s. if you find *anything* that works let us all know.