I’ve only just found this bulletin board, so I don’t know what was posted about taping eyes before. I can pass on what works for me. I use TearGel in my eyes at night- it’s goopier than tear drops, but lasts longer. Then I cover them with gauze eye patches and really securely tape them. I look ridiculous- with that first-aid masking tape all over my face, but it seems to work! (the first time I tried it, I didn’t use hypo-allergenic tape and I had criss cross rashes all over my face for a week)
Hope it helps
KathleenHI found the post from February 11. It had a BUNCH of stuff. It covered RAI, PTU, weight, and the CONFERENCE. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Taping eyes:
17. How to tape your eyes. There is a lot of confusion about this, so
here are the step-by-step instructions. This was cleared with my eye dr. today, and tested by several people at my job.]
1. Take MICROPORE tape, about 2 or 2 & 1/2 inches long
2. Tear the tape in half LONGWAYS (now you have two pieces of long tape)
3. Put the GOOP (DuraLube, LacriLube, etc.) on your lower lid
4. Close your eye
5. Place the tape above your eyebrow, approximately in the middle
6. Push your cheeck up, to close your eye
7. Put the other half of the tape in the middle of your cheekIt feels pretty tight, and your eye is held shut by your cheek and the
tissue beneath your eyebrow. It takes about five minutes to get used to the feeling and then it is fine. Your eye(s) should stay shut, and the goop should stay inside. If the goop oozes out, you used too much.
The point is that there should not bee much goop on the tape, but there
will be enough to protect your eyelashes when you remove the tape, from top to bottom, in the morning. I have been doing this for almost ten years, so am really used to it. The kind of tape (MICROPORE)is VERY IMPORTANT. Regular adhesive tape & silk tape is too sticky, and will pull off skin. Paper tape isn’t stickie enough. MICROPORE tape is semi-transparent, has tiny holes in it, and tears easily. Ask your pharmacist to help you find it, or order a roll. One roll will last for
years. I used a bandaid once in an emergency, and still have a mark on
my face where I pulled it off! -
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