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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I have not taken PTU but have been on T since last October & it recently made me a bit hypo so my dosage has been halved. Fortunately it seems to be working. The tablets dont taste great but if I take them with apple juice I find it’s a lot easier.

    Good luck.

    Post count: 93172

    Hypermich? Love the name!

    Methimazole apparently doesn’t taste anywhere nearly as bad as PTU. And you only have to take it once a day, usually, because it has a longer action period than does the PTU.

    As far as the side effects, both drugs carry pretty much the same sets of side effect possibilities, even though they are different chemicals.


    Post count: 93172

    I started out on PTU, and lost my taste for over 6 weeks! The taste of them were unbearable to me, taking with orange juice helped me. I have been on “T” for 1 1/2 years, and am tolerating that much better. The bitterness is not as strong to me. The only side effect I think I have is headaches. Hope this helps! Good luck.

    Post count: 93172

    I’ve taken both — they both taste bad (probably to discourage little ones from ingesting them). I had an allergic reaction to the T drug, but the P drug worked fine for me. (Am now in remission — just — and hoping it will last).
    I (used to) stick them as far back in the throat as I could to prevent them from touching my tastebuds — although the apple juice trick sounds like a good idea.
    Good luck and good health

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