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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    If any of you subscribe to AOL or one of the general servers, you probably can pull up a drug reference manual that will give you information about the drugs being prescribed. AOL has available the Consumer’s Drug Reference, but there are other good ones, too. They list side effects to watch out for, give reasons for dosages and instructions for how to most effectively take the drug. I have also looked up some things in libraries and (ahem) bookstores. One of the instructions (I just looked it up a minute ago) is NOT TO CHANGE THE DOSAGE without working with your doctor. Mary: according to my reference an initial dose of tapazole is anything from 15 to 60 mg a day (I think that puts you under the max by a bit). This, the reference says, is usually give for the first 6-8 weeks. Then, based on your blood work, it will probably be lowered to a range of 5-30 mg. Hope this helps.

    Post count: 93172

    Well, I got my numbers back. T3 was in normal range at 180. T4 was high: 3.8 (0.8-1.9) TSH was low: .09 (I don’t remember normal values)

    My endo said that I’m just going to have to live with it for another two months before he can determine whether or not the RAI was successful. The good news is that he said that my thyroid is virtually back to its normal size.

    Eating has been a little easier, although I still have to stick to very small amounts of bland food.

    So I’ll keep taking my inderal, pepcid, bentyl, and lomotil responsibly and I hope to have better news in the future.

    Thanks for listening…

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