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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Eating healthy food, relaxation or meditating, and cardiovascular exercise is NOT a new approach to health care :-) The moon is really full this weekend!

        Post count: 93172

        I took yesterday off, and voila. Guess who felt great again. I woke up
        exhausted because I’ve been pretty hyped up the last few days. My eyes
        have been feeling filled with pressure and slightly achy. It feels good
        to press against them.

        When I woke up, I couldn’t imagine facing flourescent lights and a
        computer screen. One day off and I feel great. Unbelievable.

        Even though I’ve had about 12 hours of doctors appts and tests, I’ve only
        taken one sick day in the past two and a half months since the onset of
        GD. I felt guilty taking time off at first, not being able to pinpoint
        traditional sick time reasons: no flu symptoms etc. Just had to talk
        myself out of it and as was mentioned in another BB to the student not
        getting any help or understanding from her professors, I suppose if I
        got comments at work I too could bring in a list of symptoms. Dr. Weil
        has a concise explanation of Grave’s Disease on his web page (search
        hyperthyroidism) if anyone needed one in simple language. (www.ask Dr.
        Weil)(I think).

        Warriors know when to stop and smell the roses, to coin the phrase “warrior”
        from you all – Susan

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