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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Good Morning Warriors,
    Maybe this has been discussed before but I came acros some literature that said it is better to take synthroid in the p.m. How many people take their meds in the p.m. and is this an accurate statement?? I take everything in the a.m.!!

    P.S.= went to the eye surgeon yesterday for a consultation on plugs and came homewith the permanent
    pair in. Bypassed the temps. I thought the procedure would be worse than it was. Eye is swollen this morning, otherwise seems okay.

    Have a nice day!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Denise – I take mine in the am – usually right around 6:00am, go for my walk,
    and then eat breakfast 1 to 2 hours later – my endo says it’s fine to take it
    either am or pm as long as you take it on an empty stomach. Hope this is right
    because it seems to be working for me. Take-care!

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