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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Have had a rapid heartrate again for a week or so now, 90 – 100. I went to the docs for yet another levels check (we’ll se, they always come out normal) and the HR was 108. Been feeling shaky the last two days also. Maybe the thyroid is finally catching up to my eye disease! What a christmas gift :) Beta blockers here I go again.

      Have a great Christmas! Bruce

        Post count: 93172

        I totally sympathize with you! My heartrate has gone down slowly, from being in the
        90’s and 100’s for months, to the 80’s most of this month and finally the
        70’s on beta blockers. (They are a godsend!) If it bothers you at night when you
        try to go to sleep, I found out that sleeping propped up almost to a sitting
        position chills it out *alittle.*

        Merry Christmas and I’ll be praying your heart stops racing!


          Post count: 93172

          Just wanted to know exactly what to expect from the Beta blockers? I was told that I would be taking them as soon as all my tests came back. I feel like the energizer bunny-I keep going and going! Any symptons or feelings might help me prepare for them. Thanks Lots! Kelley

            Post count: 93172

            Hi Kelley,

            Good old beta blockers! I wouldn’t have made it without them. They
            will slow your heart rate (it’s nice to be able to talk without
            gasping!) and calm the trembling (not completely, but you can
            probably at least sign your name again!)

            Be sure to keep a check on your pulse rate so it doesn’t go too low.
            Check with your doc about how much and when to taper off – and I do
            mean taper. You can’t just quit them all of a sudden, but they are
            not addictive or habit forming in any way.

            Best of Luck,

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