Here’s what my dermatologist gave me as far as a description of pretibial myxedema. It came from a textbook page that she xeroxed for me.
“Localized (pretibial) myxedema develops as erythematous (reddish) to skin-colored, sometimes purple-brown or yellowish, waxy, indurated (hardened) peau d’orange (orange rind) nodules or plaques. Usually, they are located on the anterolateral aspect of the legs or feet. Localized myxedema may also present as a diffuse non-pitting edema on the shins or feet evolving into elephantiasis.” (The parenthetical remarks are mine — trying to make some sense of the medical terminology.)
I don’t know if this will help you and your doctors figure it out. Have you seen a dermatologist? My doctors hadn’t seen pretibial myxedema either, but my dermatologist recognized it immediately.
NGDF — Asst. Online Facilitator