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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Earlier this week we had a post that I had removed about a work survey and people with disibilities and cronic illness. We pulled the post because we did not know what it was or the purpose. It was pulled to protect our posters to the BB.

    They were kind enough to send us a synopsis of the study and I have copied the response. They have asked permission and Doc Nancy said it was a worthwhile effort. Lets please see if we can help them out. They posted on a few BB sites. So please let them know that you are calling from the NGDF BB.

    Thank you for letting us know that you did not want to post our message
    about the WorkSurvey Project without further information. We
    understand your concern for protecting those on your list. The
    information which follows explains the nature of the study, who we are,
    and what we hope to accomplish. We are hopeful that this information
    will allay your concerns and that you will consider posting our request
    for participants.

    The WorkSurvey Project is a study examining the quality of social
    interactions between disabled and / or chronically ill employees and
    their non-disabled counterparts. This is an ex post facto design, and
    uses a variety of statistical and qualitative measures to illuminate
    critical issues in the social integration and accommodation of the
    disabled / chronically ill in the workplace. The study is being
    conducted through the Department of Psychology at the University of
    California at Riverside under the advisement of Dr. Barbara Tinsley, a
    health psychologist. Please note that this study is in compliance with
    federally mandated requirements for ethical treatment of human
    participants and has been approved by the University’s Internal Review
    Board (UCR HRSC Protocol #98-079). All participants will remain
    completely anonymous, and all participants are presented with an
    informed consent statement prior to participating in this study. The
    goals of this study are to increase a rather small base of scientific
    literature on the social impact of disability and chronic illness in
    the workplace, and to provide recommendations to business on ways
    improving social integration between disabled and non-disabled

    We strongly hope that you will post our information, as we are trying
    to get participants who are employed in a variety of industries and who
    have a wide cross section of disabilities and / or illnesses. In
    compliance with the ADA (1990), we have made the survey available in
    three different ways to accommodate as many people as possible. It is
    available on the Web at, by calling our toll-free
    number at 1-800-328-5160, or by e-mailing a request for the survey to

    Thank you for any support you can offer. If you have any further
    questions please contact the primary researcher, Zeno Franco, at or by calling the number listed below. Or you
    may direct inquiries to the Faculty Advisor, Dr. Barbara Tinsley, at


    Tamara Hattis
    Research Assistant

    WorkSurvey Project
    University of California Riverside
    Department of Psychology
    Voice: (909) 328-3321

    Post count: 93172

    You guys are drowning me in e-mails! I will TRY to get the “results” posted tomorrow, but I may have to wait till this weekend…its so much!

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