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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Kelly, Ellie, Robin-

      I have recently found this board, but I am also currently scheduled for surgery on July 14th, but just met with the surgeon about this and now have big concerns about it all. In prep for the surgery have you been put on a beta-blocker? My doctor has prescribed one, telling me that in a few days I will feel as though I am in mud, up until the surgery. Now this is why I have reservations about the whole surgery. I mean…2 weeks before surgery to feel bad, and 3 weeks after to recover…that’s a long drawn out process to feel bad. He says it’s to lower my pulse to 80…when I am aalready at 82. So, now I am considering Radioactive Iodine, because of the “promptness” of it all. Any thoughts?


        Post count: 93172

        I know it is a tough decision to make Dorene. I haven’t been on any meds except PTU to get my hormones normal before surgery, no beta blockers or anything else. That is my only problem with needing something done – because I FEEL fine!! As far as recovery, they told me I would have a little bit of a sore throat a couple of days, and couldn’t lift or strain for ten day. I guess every DR prescribes differently. Good Luck!

          Post count: 93172

          HI, hope everyone had a nice day. It seems alot of people have had RAI rather than surgery. What I’m wondering is there more likelihood of eye disease after RAI rather than surgery?
          Also my husband, a physician, tells me the eye tics or twitches I’m experiencing are from being tired. Has anyone experienced this prior to eye problems?
          Thanks for helping and God bless you all,

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