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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Ruby!

    You’re very welcome! The BB is here for you and your daughter whenever you need it. Ask away…

    As a full-time college student and part-time day care teacher, she certainly has her hands full! It’s great to hear that her eye symptoms have subsided. Now if she can avoid undue stress (easier said than done), she may be able to ward off some Graves’ symptoms. Extreme stress seems to trigger some symptoms, like those found in the eyes.

    If she chooses to do the RAI treatment, then her doctors and the med techs will fill her in on the necessary precautions. As for children, she probably will be told to stay away from very young children for approximately three days and don’t cuddle them next to her neck. She shouldn’t have to take many days off of work, especially if she does it on a Friday and over a weekend. I haven’t heard anything about staying away from children who have taken the liquid polio vaccine. Maybe someone else can shed some light on the subject…

    I thought you’d find this old post interesting (I collect all of the goodies!):

    “Posted by : NukeTech on 11/23/97 at 12:04:42

    Hi. I’ve noticed that a lot of you have had questions about RAI therapy. I’m not a doctor, I’m a nuclear med tech that’s been in the field for over 12 years. Perhaps I can alleviate some of your fears.

    1. I-131 [the isotope that is used] is EXTREMELY water soluble. Just rinsing the sink when you’re done brushing your teeth, washing your clothing separately once, and flushing the toilet twice when you’re are done are all that are needed to get rid of it.

    2. I have seen MANY women wait a year and then get pregnant and have normal, beautiful, healthy children.

    3. The only side effects that I have seen in all of my years is a sore

    4. The precautions given are made by taking the “worst case senario”. That is, they are figuring the longest time possible that you would be in contact with a family member, and most people don’t even come close to that in a normal household. They are assuming you are standing 3 feet away from a family member for 6 hours a day. Now, tell me how many of you do that, except for sleeping at night!

    5. It is okay to give someone a hug. Just don’t sit with them on your lap for an hour.

    6. You WILL feel better eventually.

    7. It’s okay to go outside. Don’t isolate yourself from the sun.

    8. The most radioactive part of you will be your urine and your saliva.
    Discard your toothbrush at the end of the week. It is usually best to plan your meals so that there won’t be a lot of material to discard such as peach pits, chicken bones, etc. that would have your saliva on it. Boneless chicken, peach slices, etc would be a better choice.

    9. Remember, you are receiving far less than those who are treated for
    thyroid cancer [they usually get 50-200 millicuries] and the government is now letting those treated with up to 100 millicuries to be treated on an outpatient basis. The government is realizing just how strict their
    regulations were, and are now allowing more and more people to be treated while remaining in the comfort of their home.

    I hope this has helped answer some of your questions. Again, I am not a
    doctor, and if you still have reservations about your treatment, by all
    means, talk to your physician. Remember, YOU are paying HIM.”

    My best to Hailey!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Debby,

    Thanks, once again!! I printed out your response and showed it to Hailey. She felt much better after reading it! I do notice when she’s stressed out, that her eyes start to bulge a little..or when she’s very tired. I’ll be happy when this is all over! So will she! But having this BB is such a blessing!! I am so grateful that I stumbled upon it (I am quite computer illiterate..but learning!) Thank you!


    Post count: 93172

    I have hyperthyroidism and will be starting the Iodine therapy within the next week. I am very nervouse to do this. Somebody help me and tell me what I will be facing with this. What are the side effects. Will the puffiness around my eyes go away? I think the eye problems are by far the worst thing with this disease. I am also still very emotional, will that subside a bit?

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