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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear BJV,
    My heart goes out to you. I know how hard this can be, and first and foremost, know that there are treatments for this, and you WILL feel better.
    I don’t know your situation, but I would suggest if there is anyway to modify your work schedule, see if you can. My doctor wrote a note for me, and I ended us having to drop one of the classes I was scheduled to teach, and let someone fill in for me as a club advisor for part of the semester. I felt bad about doing this, a bit guilty, since all the fianances comming in were my husband’s for a point, and not really sure somehow that this wasn’t in my head, or I wasn’t doing something I was supposed to.
    But I now see how these feelings actually compounded my illness. I needed to realize this was real, and I was not shirking by taking time to heal.
    I don’t know your specifics, but have seen enough posts to be able to say you will get better. Take care of yourself.
    You can email me if you need to talk more

    Post count: 93172

    I know how you feel. I cried at work yesterday (in private). I am trying to keep my tech job. It was a really bad day. I don’t know why. I did take an antihistamine/decongestant yesterday. My endo said because I am uethyroid I can take the drug, I wasn’t able to function. I was not able to concentrate, felt very tired my heart rate seemed pronounced and higher. I went to bed at 5pm. I am a very strong person who has lost control of her body…frustrating.

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