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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It’s been a bad couple of weeks.

    First my boss has decided to move me to a new location. Under normal conditions it wouldn’t be such a big deal but I just don’t want to do this right now. For the first time in over 3 years things finally seem to be stabilizing and I am being uprooted from the building I have worked in for over 10 years with a group of people that have been very supportive, to move to a new building with people I don’t know. (I sound like a spoiled brat, but I don’t think I can handle this change right now.)

    Over the weekend my son dislocated his knee (and a possible torn ACL) for the second time in a month. We found out yesterday that he needs to have surgery and will undergo this next week. He will have arthroscopic surgery and then most likely reconstrutive knee surgery depending on what the doctor finds during the arthroscopic surgery. Depending on the surgery he has, his leg will be either in a knee immobilizer or cast from 3 to 8 weeks.

    These two stressors (combined with the other everyday ones) have stressed me out. Sadly for the first time in over 3 months my vision is becoming blurred again and I have had sporadic double vision. I keep telling myself that I can’t stress out about this, but it doesn’t seem to work. I keep telling myself that I can’t let this happen because I have to be able to “chauffeur” my son around as he has done for me for the past year.

    I am in desperate need of some de-stressing techniques. Anyone know of any?????????

    Thanks for letting me vent.


    Post count: 93172

    just wanted to say hello to all, i joined the group this last wed, was quite depressed,
    my dr said give the higher dose of levoxyl another 2 weeks to see if my
    levels go up from hypo, told her i could sleep 14 hrs aday. my husbands news is not so good, this time
    it is his spleen, and liver and diabeties and lung still. lil hope has been ill with her ears and my 95 yr old granny is finally passing,we
    weree told within 72 hrs. oh well, just wanted to talk see you hopefully tommorrow,depressed again but hope

    Post count: 93172

    Some of my favorite destressing techniques are:

    – Putting on music that I like and singing along with it (LOUDLY)

    – Playing the piano

    – Ironing clothes or washing dishes (don’t know why, but this relaxes

    – Talking with a supportive family member or friend

    – Hugging my spouse

    – Giving my self permission not to be busy every minute

    – Trying to take life one day at a time

    Post count: 93172

    Those techniques have worked for me even long before I knew I had Graves. But, that part about the dishes, could I give you my address? I am so tired all the time I just don’t always get around to them!


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