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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Today I was able to run 13 miles at a 9:40 per mile pace. Last Sat I ran
    a 5K race at a 7:34 pace and my calves and gluteus cramped up so bad
    after the race that I had to get help stretching out (the claves).

    I went back to the endo on Monday and the first thing she said was “We’ve
    got to talk about your lab results. How are you feeling?” I said, “You
    give me the results and then I’ll tell you how I feel.” She said the the
    labs showed that I’ve gone hypo after six months of being on Tapazole.
    Except for the cramps and a lot of hair loss, I’ve been feeling better
    than I have in years.

    She’s placed me on 0.05 mg Synthroid in the morning and 5 mg Tapazole in
    the evening. She was considering taking me off the Tapazole to see if
    I am in remission, but decided to go with this plan. The reason for
    that decision was because I may have to go to a new endo due to insurance
    changes and she thought it best that the new endo make that decision.

    I’m considering staying with her and paying for the visits myself.
    I’m going to see if I can get my PC to do the labs and fax results to
    her. Have any of you tried either the Synthroid/Tapazole plan or the
    idea of using the PC to do the labs to cut the cost of staying with an
    out of network endo?

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