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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Sounds familiar to me! I stayed on ATDs and beta blocker for 14 months after rai as I was still quite hyper. In about two months time my levels came down to normal and I have remained that way for seven months now without any medication. I had more symptoms and felt worse during the first couple of months after rai that I had since the beginning of the disease. My doc was surprised as they thought they had knocked the thyroid out, but we all dealt with the fact I stayed so hyper. After the first three months it was go with the flow and see what happens, but he was quick to adjust my meds when necessary. A personal decision for me is not to do rai again but have the surgery if it becomes necessary. This remission is the first positive thing to work out with this disease for me. Good luck to you. Some of us are late bloomers I guess. I took ATDs for several years before the rai as I was having eye trouble big time. The doc always blamed my memory loss on the ATDs.

    Post count: 93172


    Dear Jake, Jan, Nancy, SAS, Deb and so on.
    And Bev, how are you ? Please send me a mail !

    It is now 1 year nearly after RAI, you all remember how things went wrong with me ! I am now on only 25 mgs. of TH…daily and have an appointment tomorrow in Amsterdam, with an Endo of the team of Prof. Wiersinga, recommanded by the BB. There is a big chance that I will have the RAI again, but I am trying not to worry too much. Has anyone experiences on the 2nd time around >?? Anyway, again thanks to the BB, I have received “The Thyroid Solution” and it is a fantastic book, thanks. Little by little I am finding back my old self and I will never forget what you all did for me, again, thanks soo much. I will write soon and read the messages about 4 times a week. Kind regards from Holland,

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