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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Did your dr. put you on beta-blockers, this usually helps with the heart palpitations and makes you not feel so wired, and calms everything down. Usually they put you on them before you have RAI because afterward you go into a more hyper state while your thyroid is dying and dumping the thyroid horomones into your system.

    Also, how long to your radiation? Did your dr. mention anything about anti-thyroid drugs to bring down your thyroid levels.

    Since I,ve only experienced,,very minimal problems with my eyes< someone else on the board can address that problem.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. Having this bb can be a great encouragement, being able to talk to others going through the same thing.
    Good luck,

    Post count: 93172

    Morning, me again.

    Can anyone possibly explain or has anyone experienced the same.

    Why is it that my eyes feel like someon has hit me, you know like round the edge of the socket.

    Also what is the typical progression rate of TAO or TED or whatever you want to call it! <S>


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