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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Aurora and welcome:

    I am happy to hear you have stabilized on your current dose of Synthroid. As far as your question about getting your metabolism back in order…hmmm….that’s a tricky one. I’m not sure there is such a thing as back in order following RAI. I keep hearing rumors to that effect and I am waiting patiently (2 years later, like you) but the old metabolism just ain’t what she used to be. When I was hyper the weight was sliding off of me in 5 and 10 pound increments per month. Since having RAI, I don’t think even a Black and Decker chain saw could hack off these extra pounds. This seems to be our post-RAI legacy. But hang in there. If misery (about your weight) loves company, you are in good company.
    Feel free to e-mail me anytime if you have questions about diet/exercise. It’s my pet peeve and I have a personal vendetta going with my weight so I am well-read, if not successful on the subject. Take care.

    Luci in Texas

    Post count: 93172

    Additional question from newbie. Has anyone used DHEA to boost metabolism, libid
    u,and other benefits. Wonder if it would disrupt thyroid levels.
    Any comments?????

    Post count: 93172

    I just stumbled onto this support group thing…sure needed you all a couple of years ago! I have managed to get through the RAI and even seem to be in “control” at .112 synthroid dose after a couple of years of testing/adjusting. Now, when do I get to feel like my metabolism is back in order? Ever? Is it post-Graves Disease symptom or is it just a factor of having had two kids and a few more birthdays? Hate my weight and having a hard time losing! Any one else in my shoes?

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