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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Maria,

    I can relate to the 4 pillows thing and trying to sleep sitting
    up more. Un-no my body can’t do that so I quit trying. Now I
    don’t have to think about that anymore, my eyes are better.

    A long time ago I read a post from a girl and her dad actually
    built up her bed for her so that she could sleep more upright.
    I thought that was the sweetest thing. My hubby threw some old
    books under the wheels and considered that a plan. He tried. :)
    If I remember correctly her dad built something to go in between
    the mattresses so the bed would be more upright for her.

    I can say that, at least in my case that it didn’t last forever.
    The eye pain and suffering I had I wouldn’t have wanted anyone
    else to ever have to go through. Didn’t get me to quit smoking
    even if they said that would help. Geesh, I thought- I don’t
    smoke in the middle of the night. I rationalized that one away.

    Take Care,
    Michele B. :)

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