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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Claude – skin rashes are common with GD. They range from blotches to terrible itching all over, which in my case caused ulcer like sores (isn’t that gross). Anyway what I have read is that it is the same prinicple with your skin as with graves. Your immune system is attacking your skins as it has your thyroid. Goes with the territory I’m afraid.

        Post count: 93172

        What about lesions on your tongue? Mine looks like it has a coating of cream cheese down the middle with white circles with red centers on the sides. I also have itchy palms and soles with red blotches. The dr examined my tongue and of course said that it isn’t related to my thyroid, but has anyone else ever had anything like this? He said I have “fungus of the tongus” ;-) but the meds are not helping. My hubby hasn’t kissed me in 2 weeks…DO YOU BLAME HIM!!

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