Dear Jean C,
I know exactly what you are talking about! Heck, there used to be a time even before GD that I could not identify how I was feeling about something. Now I try to remember to ask myself how I am feeling about something, happy, sad etc. If I can identify how I am feeling right away it helps me to get back to reality quicker. This typing on the BB, I have found to be useful in helping me cope. I can say what is on my mind and then by hitting the “post message” button, let go of what is bothering me or what it is that I am currently thinking about.
Darn if I don’t feel a little better by then!
P.S. It is ok to get angry—it is only a feeling
The one thing I have noticed lately is that I once used to be the world’s
most patient person when dealing with people. Since getting Graves’ that
has gone by the wayside. Today I had to really restrain myself from soundly
beating an old lady about the head. The lady is question is the one we
bought our mobile home from and we’ve had nothing but hassles with her since.
She has firmed up my belief that some people, no matter how old they are,
need to have a full time nanny and should NEVER be allowed to leave the
house unescorted. AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!I used to be so good at dealing with annoying people and having sympathy
for people who aren’t quite all there. I want my patience back, has anyone
seen it? It is big and fuzzy and sweet and kind and sympathetic. If anyone
does find it, please tell it I miss it and want it home soonest.Sorry for ranting, but after ranting to my hubby and a couple of co-workers
and not feeling better, I’m feeling better now. I guess I needed to get
something down in physical (or as physical as the web can be) form. I’m
really glad it is Wednesday, chat is what I look forward to every week
and helps keep me sane.See ya all on the flip side,
Jean CJean:
I know what you mean! I always try to follow the advice Jimmy Stewart’s
mother in the old movie, “Harvey” gave him: To be successful in life,
you must either be very wealthy or very pleasant. – Now, I’m not wealthy
so I try the “pleasant” angle…never had much of a problem with it
until GD. I get irritated much more easily than before, have a harder
time biting my tongue…Glynis
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