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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jan & others !

    I’ve just been diagnosed with Graves, and have been taking medicine (after a allergic reaktion to something else i’m now taking carbimazol). But i must say i’m still adjusting to this disease. It’s strange to have something, and after four weeks of rest i still don’t feel much change. Sometimes it’s okay, but then my heart & muscles go again or i start to cry.

    My question is, because it’s hard to find an answer, do you know from experience how long it takes before the medication start to work ? First i hoped a few weeks, but now i’m doubting. Is the change very sudden or slowly for instance ? And after six weeks of pills, is everything okay again or not at all ?? My doctor said ‘i’ll see you in six weeks and you’ll feel a whole lot better’ but the company fysician said “this could take months’. Have you been off work for that long as well, or can you start work after a few week again while the pills do their job ? Many questions as you can see, in a very long message, from a confused patient ;-) Hoping for some answers, Esther

    Post count: 93172

    I understand completely kristi — late february of this year I spent 3 days in bed thinking I had the flu — ended up in the hospital because I was not taking my meds– now I am better at remembering and hopefully can get off this PTU by May and on with the show!

    Post count: 93172

    i DID miss my meds last night…could that have some impact? i don’t think one night could do this much. is spacing out normal?

    Post count: 93172

    hey guys, i am having some trouble today. i woke up this morning, and was hit with waves of nausea and dizziness. and as i sit here at my computer at work, i feel pretty ill. every once in a while, i space out a little bit. is this normal? or, a better question, how are you supposed to distinguish between getting sick a lot and having it relate to Grave’s somehow? i seem to have the “flu” about once every two weeks, and it tends to take me out of work a lot. can someone help me out?

    oh, and jeanine…trust me, i understand how you’re doing. i feel the same way sometimes. the problem is that many people think that we are overexaggerating our problems, when they are in fact very real and very scary. hang in there. if you need anything, don’t hesitate to email me.


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