This may sound a little strange, but I have to find out if anyone else has experienced anything like this.
For the past 2 months I have basically been “shedding”. The first thing that I noticed was that I’d have a big glob of hair in my hand when I would dry my hair in the morning. Then I started noticing a lot more hair in the sink, and on the floor of the bathroom, in my brush, all that sort of good stuff. Now, I know that hair loss is a sign of going hypo, but other than that I don’t THINK I am. Will have blood work done in a couple of weeks.
This is the strange part. Twice in the past week, someone has asked me if I am coloring my hair. I’m not. Anyway, they both commented that I seem to have a lot less gray than before. I can’t imagine that I would be so lucky as to only have the gray ones fall out, and it isn’t that I am wearing my hair differently, so I’m not sure what is going on.
Anyone else have anything like this happen to them?