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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Ramadon,

      Three of the worlds major religions have their holidays fall togather this
      this year. Thats a lot of people from differnt cultures talking and thanking
      God our creator. Native Americans too celebrate Christmas for the bringer
      of life and we just call him a different name. We refer to God as the Great
      Spirit, Grandfather, Uncle and many other names.

      What is important is that we take this time to reflect on our lives and what
      the creator has given us. I would like folks to send me success stories about
      how the BB has helped them and I will get Annette to put up a site where folks
      can go to see them. We complain and have problems but we have success too.
      It would be nice for folks to see that sometimes.

      So from the George household and the National Graves Disease Foundation,
      We wish you Happy Hoildays and may the year find you healthy and happy no matter
      who you pray to.

      Jake (Achgook), Jan (LAdybug) and Jason
      Misty (the Cat) Dakota and Moriah (the dogs) and Nina (the snake)

        Post count: 93172

        Happy Holidays from Brown Manitoba. Yeah a brown Christmas – the first since 1939. It’s wonderful. I phoned my elder son in Japan, my younger son in England so I now send Christmas Greetings to the BB. That completes my list for this year!

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