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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I did not have GD last fall but now I also notice my
    eyes bothering me. I live in CT. We went to the beach
    one Sunday and when I came home my eyes were killing me.
    I will keep you updated esp. now that the weather is
    getting cooler. Thanks for giving me something to think
    about. Where in the NE do you live?? Kim

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone else notices a change with their graves
    disease symptoms as the cooler, dryer months are upon us here in the
    nutmeg Northeast? For myself, my symptoms are milder in the summer
    and spring and seem to worsen in the fall and winter.I have had graves
    for 3 years and noticed this pattern.

    Brittany Edwards

    Post count: 93172

    I, too, live in the Northeastern US and have been experiencing eye problems.
    I thought it was the result of lots of computer work, but wasn’t sure
    as I’ve never had this problem before.

    My eyes feel pressured from behind, tear a lot, itch quite a bit and
    feel fatigued… like I’ve strained to see for a very long time. I’ve
    never had eye aches before, but now have them.

    What do I do? My endo simply nods and says ‘we’ll wait until you stabilize
    before we investigate the other symptoms.’ I could scream at her, rather than
    calmly say these symptoms are new, and what do other GD patients experience.


    Post count: 93172

    My eye problems started out with the tearing problems, then later the hurting amd getting bigger. I saw the optician first (by mistake, I did not know about opthos-oops!) and she suggested hydo tears for the tearing. I thought that was stupid cause they were already too wet. It turns out and I learned the hard way, that I had to put the hydro tears in because the reason my eyes did all that tearing was because they were already dry. Took me a while to catch on to this one!


    Post count: 93172

    I have also been having some problems with my eyes. I asked my
    Endo about it and he said that almost all of his Graves patients
    seem to have their eyes flair up during hay fever season, whether
    they have allergies or not (it just so happens that I do.) I thought
    that ws interesting.

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