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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I will most definitely add Jessie and her family to my prayer list. It is also comforting to remember that remission rates for childhood leukemias (all types) are among the highest for any and all types of cancer.


    Post count: 93172

    Please remember Jessie in your prayers. She is my neices daughter and has been treated for 2 years for leukemia is still taking chemo and has just been diagnosed with another type of leukemia. It is showing 37% cancer cells in her bone marrow.
    She just turned 8 years old in July.
    She is in Duke and will be there to start a new chemo. She will also have to have a bone marrow transplant.
    Prayers can help her and her family. They really need them.

    Also thanks for your help with my questions on GD. I appreciate everyone being so helpful.

    Post count: 93172

    I feel so foolish complaining about myself after reading this about Jessie.
    Jessie is on the top of my prayer list and I’ve placed her name on my pc so when I feel like complaining I can look at her name and count my blessing! Please tell her family that I hope she does well with the chemo and transplant.


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