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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I visited my Internist yesterday and my Endo today and had great reports from both!
      The Endo even decided I’m starting to get a little hypo and lowered my
      dosage of PTU and betablockers. I told him that right now I ENJOYED
      being sleepy, etc after running like a madwoman for months! He said that’s a normal reaction, but I still had to
      cut the dosage. :-( The bloodwork will be back Monday.

      I kind of hate giving up my security blankets at all by cutting the dosage…
      Anyone who has done this, do you get a little jittery again at first?

      My thyroid which never got enlarged much, is now almost unfeelable. He said
      we’re looking at maybe getting off meds by summer!! In all, this could turn out
      to actually be a very, very bad case of Postpartum Thyroid Syndrome
      (this is my wishful thinking talking). At any rate, good news is good
      medicine! Glynis

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