Thanks to Bobbi and all of you for the great insights! After reading other postings on the BB, I see that many others have faced the same dilemma. My daughter’s endocrinologist has pushed us to do RAI for over a year, and we resisted until last October. (She is being treated at a well-known children’s hospital and we are also consulting with a endocrinologist who has treated Olympic athletes.) I thought that my daughter was O.K. with RAI (if necessary) until last weekend. The last blood test, her T4 (10.3) was in range, her TSH (.03) was suppressed and her T3 (208) was just barely in range, having increased from 171. Evidently, the doctor was ready to do RAI immediately, even though she told me in October T4 had to be 15 to do it, but her “group” cautioned her to wait. My daughter appears to be doing fine in school and elsewhere and her swimming has never been better. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens — next blood test on Saturday. Thanks again to everyone. Pam