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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Hazel,
    Thanks for your reply. To answer your questions, I was just recently diagnosed. I went to my new doctor for a routine exam, and she suggested I get some blood work. After blood tests, then Thyroid scan and uptake, my doctor says my results are “indicitave of Graves.” She has given me the three (standard?) options: ATDs (PTU or Tapazole), RAI, and Surgery. She’s really pushing for the RAI, although that sounds pretty drastic to me (especially since i’ve got none of the symptoms!!!). Of the three choices, I’d like to try the ATD first.

    I’ve been working with a homeopathic consultant, and I’m trying to get my levels down–and my doctor has agreed to let me wait and get some new blood work done to see if that approach is working. But soon, if my levels don’t go down, I will have to try one of the “traditional” methods of treatment.

    I don’t have an endo–although I think I should at least speak to one. I’ve got questions that my doctor can’t answer.

    I do have copies of my blood reults, and I plan to keep a record. Thanks for that tip!

    Thanks again, and take care. Sorry this note is so long!

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