The vehemence of your message is astounding for one who is so new to Graves’ Disease. But your anger and irritation are extremely familiar to me. You said you were just diagnosed three weeks ago. That is very, very early on in a process that now will be a part of you for the rest of your life. I want to say first, that I sincerely hope that you will be one of those people with Grave’s who is treated, stabilized and set free to live your life unimpeded as the “majority” of Graves’ patients are. I do not want to presuppose anything about you, but when I was first diagnosed 10 years ago, I was extremely irritable. I was absolutely “pissed off” frankly about the whole thing. For me it was my anger and irritability that was an early manifestation of Graves’. I had a hell of a temper then. I was also extremely angry that anything was wrong with me at all. I was a beautiful, talented, intelligent woman in the prime of my life with no prior serious health issues. The people here are struggling with loss of vision, self-esteem due to eyes that protrude and make them feel exposed both physically and emotionally, and most everyone with Graves’ is dealing with severe hormonal highs and lows which also affect emotions. Have a little compassion for them and be thankful that you are starting out with a positive attitude. You will need it no matter how long this takes for you to control. Finally, just take a moment and read the other BB support group pages at other sites. There is little support, a lot of fighting and nasty comments and often no help at all. This BB is dignified, a great research tool and filled with those who are knowedgeable both in experience and spirit. We’ll be here if you need and will pray that you don’t.