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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    Does your husband know what a special person you are? I hope so!

    Thanks for being who you are and sharing with us! I for one am very touched by what you had to say.



    and lots of hugs!

    Mitakuye Oyasin


    Post count: 93172

    Dear World Wide Warriors, Hi you “guys”.

    Hope you will read this post. IT IS JUST AN IDEA, but it might help take a different look at how to help others give us the support, understanding, love we all need. Or help us clarify how we give to others. These topics are so frequent on our board:

    1. Feeling “taken are of” at the doctor ( separate from clinical idiocy)
    2. Being understood and loved by family, spouses, friends etc.
    3. Experiencing this forum supportively

    The concept is that we all have different love languages.
    We speak some better than others and we hear some better than others.

    The ideal of course is that we would all become multi-lingual, but some of the “languages” might be described this way:

    Acts of Service
    Words of Encouragement
    Time Shared Listening
    Think about people that are important to you. Do they know what means the most to you?
    If you need time together with your husband and he does acts of service by going to work and spending time with the kids…you might need a translator!! But it may be the love language he knows best, or he may need to be told what would mean most to you.

    Or if the Doctor gives you a touch when you need words of encouragement(ps the doc might need those too) well you can see the type of confusions that we experience. Why do I know that my doc means absolutly well toward me? He does give me words of encouragement, I think he may have touched me compassionately when I described some icky symptom. (My husband was there, so he didn’t have to worry about getting sued). He spends time, the visit doesn’t feel rushed, even though he is busy. He is truthful and educates. He validates my perceptions and yet is also willing to explain when he has a different point of view. In return, I assume he has my best at heart. I assume that his work is a profession, a ministry, a nobel pursuit, not a greed based heartless boring endeavor. I assume he wants to learn everyday and that he can teach me.
    Sounds ideal huh? But he is a real endocrinologists.
    Anyway..for the circumstances where it isn’t going so well, maybe assessing what it is we need…what would make us feel safer? Loved?
    Supported? If a friend wants to help…by cleaning your dishes, but it would help you more to go with her to the local cafe and sit in the shade…that tells you something about your love expectations and language. Some people can receive a gift and still feel lonely…it isn’t what touches them. anyway.. that is the idea. Hope it helps someone out there. Relationships can be difficult without the help of GD.
    And by the way…if my offering of time and words does touch might have to let me know to encouage me to continue. Cyber roses and cyber hugs etc. all well received. :) Jeannette

    Post count: 93172


    Relationships can be rough without the help of GD. I agree!
    The most important person I can help is myself and this Graves Disease with its eye problems has reinforced how important I am. No matter what happens around me, at work or at home, I must do whatever is necessary for my health and serenity.

    I have a feeling that Dr. Wall will be coming through with some amazing discoveries in the near future. I am glad that I tuned into this BB when I did. My doctors had left me hanging when I really needed them but this
    BB provided me with answers right away from people who were willing to share from their own experiences.

    Jeannette you offer a wealth of knowledge and sure can keep track of what is going on here. I don’t think any doctor could pull one over on you for very long anyway! I know a lot of what is said here goes right over my head but I am really learning about this GD for the first time. I am one of those people that thought I was fixed after the RAI until my eyes got sick. Now you talk about some changes!

    Jeannette please keep up the support because I do appreciate it!


    Post count: 93172

    Jeannette, I really enjoyed this post that you wrote. It is so true.
    Sometimes others want to support us, but their idea of supportive and
    our idea of it are different and the wires get crossed. You made a lot
    of good points here.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone! Haven’t checked in lately because I’m doing great and busy. Just want to offer some encouragement that things can get better, and even get great! I am still off PTU, no symptoms in three months. Blood test next week just to check. Special thanks to Jeannette, your words always inspire. And ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to all. Love and blessings, Sharon/PodyPo

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