You seem quite knowledgeable. Tell me this: how many times is RAI found to be totally ineffective in slowing down and/or stopping the production of thyroid hormones? I was on PTU and it had absolutely no effect on me. I had RAI on 6 September and maybe it is too early to tell, but I would think by now something would be changing and it hasn’t. I still get so hot I get sick. I am still losing weight (85 pounds in 16 months), this afternoon, I had another episode of sustained elevated heart rate. I have trouble swallowing and my throat is sore constantly. Is this what it is supposed to be like?
I try to be up on here, especially for my special friends, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am scared and alone and I am sick of facing this alone. Some days, I wish there was someone here even if they didn’t understand because then I wouldn’t be alone. I like it here but it is not an area to be sick in. I am considering moving, when I really can’t afford it, just to be back around friends so I have some sort of support system. I know I have the people on here, but it would be nice to have a real hug once in a while! Not a sexual hug, just one that says I’m with you kid!
I am sorry I dropped this on all of you. I have been crying for two hours and can’t seem to stop I promise–tomorrow I’ll do better.
Mitakuye Oyasin
ValValerie, it takes a while before any changes kick in after RAI. Your sore throat is “normal” and you may have some ups and downs especially if you are going hypo. I live alone and have been doing battle with this disease for five plus years now and know how you sometimes you just want to curl up in a corner. You are not alone, everyone on this board is a source of support for you. How often is the doctor testing your levels? When I had RAI they tested every 10 days for the first three months. Unfortunately nothing happened, I am still hyper at almost the same level as before the RAI. Call your doctor and let him know how you are feeling. Either he can explain what is happening or he will know you need to be tested. Good Luck!
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