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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Okay guys, I was always the one to jump in first and be obnoxious about things so this is what we are going to do, you too, Miriam. We are each going to find one good thing about our day each day, even if it’s only “Well, I woke up today!” and we are going to post it here. With all that love flowing around, how could Miriam or the rest of us help but feel loved and wanted.

    Miriam, to you: I can’t take away your physical pain and I can’t help all of your emotional pain, but, listen kid: Been there, Done that. I have no living family except my two sons and my brother and sister. Buried them all. Being the oldest, I was supposed to cope. Well, I did, then several years ago, after my Father’s funeral, I lost it. Ranted, raved, screamed, called my brother and sister totally obscene and obnoxious names. And you know what, they still loved me. And you know what else, I felt better. Do you keep a journal? If not, let me know. I will mail you a special one, just from me to you. Write down whatever you are thinking at any given time. Sometimes, just doing that releases a lot of the tension. And Miriam, this will be your PRIVATE book. No one else reads it, you hear? You are Mom and Wife, but you are also Miriam and have every right to some privacy and some selfish thoughts! You deserve it.

    Okay guys, soap box put away! Sorry if I offended you, but we have to be warriors TOGETHER in this. You know what the definition of Synergy is? The sum of the parts is greater than the whole. I just thought–we’ll be the SYNERGY WARRIOR SOCIETY! Together, with all the love and spirit and intelligence that’s here, if we don’t lick this damn disease, we will at least whip it into submission!

    Mitakuye Oyasin


    Post count: 93172

    I just read this post along with the previous posts to Miriam, so forgive me if i scream something now:


    Sorry, but had to get my point across. As for saying something positive for the day, I had a bad start on the week, but my energy is wwaaaayyy up the last two days, it’s almost scary, but, I woke up and could get to the bathroom, that’s always been a plus in my book!


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