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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Dear Rosela, what a pretty name. And hello other new folks too….what a place to meet huh?

      So your doctor says PTU is not best? Has he explained the reasons he says that? There are factors that can improve or decrease our chances for remission on anti-thyroid drugs such as PTU.

      First of all, when he says chances are not good…ask for numbers, percentages. At the latest conference 50 % was mentioned by Dr. Cooper. In some other papers it was mentioned that 40 + % relapse…so then it follows that over 50% have remission. I have read a number of articles that suggest around 55% is reasonable for those folks able to saty on the drug without reactions.

      The factors that decrease our chances are: 1. Family history…I have a family history but I am still doing ATD’s ( please pray that I will
      go into remission and thwart statistics!)
      2. A BIG goiter is associated with less chance of remission. ( I had a small one)
      3. Mild degree of hyperthyroid activity increases your chances of remission. ( I was pretty hyperactive, but responded well to the drugs right away…and was quickly brought to a very low dose.)

      I decided that this alternative was still the best first choice for me..considering all the risks.
      Whatever is decided is best for you, I hope you feel right about it, supported and educated and involved in the decison.

      My doctor exposed me to medical journal articles and controversy about all the treatments, including the possibility that one’s eyes might get worse after RAI. None of the treatments are without problems, we are each different in our physiological response to the respective treatments. I wish you the best! Take care and keep in touch with folks here. Jeannette

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